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Essay Writing Topics In English
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Conjugating Diriger (to Direct) in French
Conjugating Diriger (to Direct) in French In French, the verbâ dirigerâ means to coordinate. Its a straightforward word, however conjugating it to the past, present, or future tense can be somewhat dubious. That is on the grounds that there are a couple of spelling changes that you have to keep an eye out for. Dont stress, however, aâ quick exercise will tell you the best way to deal with this action word. Conjugating the French Verb Diriger Dirigerâ is aâ spelling change verbâ and it follows the example of different action words that end in - ger. This includesâ dã ©rangerâ (to disturb)â andâ bougerâ (to move), among others. The spelling change is subtleâ but significant. As you study the table of conjugations, notice how a couple of structures follow the G with an I as opposed to an E. This is done to guarantee that the G is articulated with a delicate sound in light of the fact that specific vowels regularly transform it to a hard solid. In view of that, just match the subject pronoun with the present, future, or flawed past tense. For example, I direct is je dirige and we will coordinate is nous dirigerons. Subject Present Future Blemished je dirige dirigerai dirigeais tu diriges dirigeras dirigeais il dirige dirigera dirigeait nous dirigeons dirigerons dirigions vous dirigez dirigerez dirigiez ils dirigent dirigeront dirigeaient The Present Participle of Diriger To changeâ dirigerâ to theâ present participle, include - antâ to the action word stem to createâ dirigeant. This is very adaptable as it goes about as an action word, descriptor, ing word, or thing varying. The Passã © Composã © and Past Participle Aâ common approach to communicate the past tense coordinated is with the passã © composã ©. To shape this, include theâ past participleâ dirig㠩â to the subject pronoun and fitting conjugation of theâ auxiliary verbâ avoir. For instance, I coordinated is jai dirigã © and we coordinated is nous avons dirigã ©. Notice howâ aiâ andâ avonsâ are conjugates ofâ avoirâ and the past participle doesn't change. More Simple Diriger Conjugations There may likewise be times when you have to utilize one of the accompanying conjugations. The subjunctive action word mind-set is valuable when there is some level of vulnerability to the action word. Similarly, the contingent is utilized when it could conceivably happen on the grounds that the activity relies upon something. Those are utilized more frequently than the other two structures. Its feasible that you will just experience the passã © basic and defective subjunctive in formal composition. Subject Subjunctive Restrictive Pass Simple Blemished Subjunctive je dirige dirigerais dirigeai dirigeasse tu diriges dirigerais dirigeas dirigeasses il dirige dirigerait dirigea diriget nous dirigions dirigerions dirigemes dirigeassions vous dirigiez dirigeriez dirigetes dirigeassiez ils dirigent dirigeraient dirigrent dirigeassent To expressâ dirigerâ in orders or demands, utilize the basic structure. While doing as such, the subject pronoun isn't required, so you can utilize dirige rather thanâ tu dirige. Basic (tu) dirige (nous) dirigeons (vous) dirigez
Friday, August 21, 2020
Consumer behavious - B2C and B2B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Shopper behavious - B2C and B2B - Essay Example This paper thusly, will be focussed on the recognizable proof and assessment of the different components of buyer conduct and shopper dynamic procedure dependent on the contrasts between the B2B and the B2C purchasing conduct. Additionally, the paper will likewise target giving not many genuine delineations to exhibit the significant contrasts between the shopper conduct in B2B and B2C markets. The paper will likewise investigate the purchasing procedure in the B2C markets. Contrasts between the Buyer Characteristics of B2B and B2C Customers According to a large portion of the creators, analysts and advertisers, the purchasing conduct of buyers varies endlessly regarding B2B and B2C markets. The distinctions can be recognized on the ground of different highlights identified with the general purchasing conduct of the focused on client gathering. To be exact, the purchasing conduct of B2B and B2C buyers to a great extent varies as far as market structure, purchasing unit, sort of procu rement, nature of the purchasing procedure and correspondence (Dave, 2008). B2B Consumer B2C Consumer Market Structure: The structure of a market alludes to the purchasing limit of the focused on clients. ... incline toward purchasing in units Kind of Purchase: This specific quality of the purchasing conduct of the focused on clients alludes to the explanation of procurement. Business or mechanical buyers buy products or administrations so as to fulfill their business needs as opposed to their own needs For the situation of individual clients the motivation to buy a decent or administration is to fulfill their own needs or family needs (Pearsoned, 2006) Nature of the Buying Process: The purchasing choices of the clients are additionally viewed as various on account of a B2B client and a B2C client. The purchasing procedure is profoundly formalized and in this manner faces significant bother because of flexibly disappointment The purchasing procedure is similarly less formalized and along these lines makes an insignificant measure of burden in the disappointment of the gracefully (Pearsoned, 2006) Communication: Communication is the factor which helps the advertiser to make a drive on the focused on clients. On account of corporate purchasers, the drive of individual selling is more prominent than broad communications correspondence if there should be an occurrence of the B2C clients, the impact of broad communications will in general be substantially more powerful than individual selling (Pearsoned, 2006) Other than these distinctions the purchasing conduct of B2B and B2C client additionally differs from a few different impacts, for example, the full scale and miniaturized scale ecological vacillations. For example, the purchasing conduct of a B2B client in a FMCG organization is profoundly impacted by the vacillations of the company’s monetary security or other financial patterns. Conflictingly, the purchasing conduct of a B2C client doesn't straightforwardly get impacted by the high points and low points of the smaller scale condition (Barschel, 2007). The distinctions in the B2B and the B2C purchaser purchasing conduct can be again recognized in the
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Juvenile Justice Various Crime Punishment, Court and Society
Juvenile Justice Question 1 The debate that exists on whether juveniles should be accountable for their crimes or not is subject to analysis and various factors determined. The number of adolescent children getting involved in violent adult crimes is on the increase. It has made the society more concerned about the increasing and rising trend. The majority of the prisons are releasing malicious convicts after a very short time of sentence. These groups of people consist of rapists, murderers, drug dealers and other various types of criminals. There are categories of crimes with regard to specific accusations the minors are charged with that are considered adult in nature (Chesney-Lind Shelden, 2013).
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Yakuza - 1710 Words
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century, criminal organizations have begun to develop within various nations throughout the world. Some of these criminal organizations consist of various national and ethnic groups who centralized themselves as a single enterprise and various illegal activity which results in monetary gains, such as drug trafficking, racketeering, human trafficking, setting up illegal gambling establishments, and corrupting the local government with members of their own. For example, the Mexican drug cartels control one of the vast drug routes in Latin America while the Sicilian Mafia have set up a large protection racketing system throughout Italy. The Yakuza have established themselves in Japan and are†¦show more content†¦Members who violate codes and attack innocents such as family members and children are viewed as thugs by high rank members of the Yakuza and are expelled from the organization sometimes (77). A high ranking official from inside t he Yakuza has stated, â€Å" The Yakuza have existed this long because the police have allowed us to exist and we have cooperated with them to some extent. Those days are gone, as we are being replaced internally and externally by thugs and gangs who make no pretense in having codes at all.†(Kaplan 78). Many old generation Yakuza members believe the Yakuza itself has become deluded when various criminals who do not follow these codes of conduct join the organization. The traditional Yakuza members believe it is the reason why the Japanese government went after Yakuza. (79). The Yakuza, unlike most criminal organizations in the world, do not exist in secrecy. The Yakuza have made themselves public and have set many offices throughout Japanese, which are surrounded by barb and armed guards (43). They also have created printed business cards for their organization and published magazines detailing their criminal society. Some of their activities are actually legitimate business operations, such as running construction projects and various public works projects, real estate firms, and finance operations suchShow MoreRelatedMerits of Yakuzas1104 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿The yakuza - a family of organized crime that is complicated, hierarchical, underground and extremely influential in both the Private and the Public sphere, is unique to Japan. It is common knowledge that there exists an underworld in every country. The Yakuza, the significant part of Japan’s underworld however carries along unique characteristics, which makes it arguably a crucial part of what makes up the Japanese society. This essay seeks to substantiate the claim that Yakuzas, despite its definitionRead MoreAn Analysis Of Yakuzaian History, Beliefs, And Traditions1384 Words  | 6 Pageswhat today we know as the Yakuza surfaced: the shishi, the tekiya, and lastly the bakuto. It was the shishi that were commonly referred to as the strong arm protectors of the early modern state of Japan. They became increasingly disgruntled with the Tokugawa Shogunate which forced them to wage war against the government they swore to protect. The shishi did not outlast the Meiji Restoration period, but helped to instill loyalty in the later branches of the early Yakuza. The tekiya, who are alsoRead MoreYakuza and the Japanese Society1111 Words  | 5 PagesYakuza and Japanese society Essay building plan Sources: | 1. Introduction Introduction of the main question: What are the possible consequences of the implementation of the law? 2. Pros of havingRead MoreYakuza and the Japanese Society1123 Words  | 5 PagesYakuza and Japanese society Essay building plan Sources: | 1. Introduction Introduction of the main question: What are the possible consequences of the implementation of the law? 2. ProsRead MoreThe Yakuza a Large Crime Organization Essay654 Words  | 3 PagesOne is known for his occupation and what he does and what he withholds from doing. The yakuza is a large crime organization that has thousands of members that span throughout the entire world. They originated in Japan and since then have slowly moved across the globe into many different countries; they even have members in the United States today. *The yakuza is a highly organized crime organization that places great importance in respect and honor and seeks revenge when they do not receive it, theyRead MoreYojimbo1183 Words  | 5 Pagescapitalism. During this time in Japan, the Yakuza clan was a very strong and dangerous group equivalent to the modern day mafia. The Yakuza clans’ ideals are relatable to two themes prominent in Yojimbo: greed and corruption, and rising capitalist influence. Kurosawa satirizes these two characteristics of the Yakuza clan through the use of mise en scene. One way that Kurosawa used the mise en scene to satire the Yakuza clan was through the use of dà ©cor. The Yakuza clan was a group which took pride inRead MoreBecoming A Motorcycle Gang Of Course1299 Words  | 6 PagesBosozoku turned 20, most would likely become a low ranking member of the Yakuza, the organized crime scene of Japan (Tofugu). The Yakuza would often look to the Bosozoku for potential members of the Yakuza syndicates. To show the allegiance to the Yakuza boss, two rituals were required. The first of two dating back to the age of the Samurai, cutting off the tip of one’s left pinky was a sign of allegiance to the way of the Yakuza. This ritual was known as Yubitsume, this was done during the era of theRead MoreEssay about Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Mexican Organized Crime1042 Words  | 5 Pagessuch as; extortion, white captive trafficking, automobile theft, counterfeiting, hostage taking, prostitution, weapons smuggling, murder, drug trafficking, and fraud. In Japan there is the Yakuza, also known as the Japanese Mafia, which consists of up to 2,500 families. The three largest groups in the Yakuza are the Yamaguchi-gumi, Sumiyaoshi-kai, and Inagawa-kai. These three groups together have around 61,100 members, or seventy-three percent of the gangster population in Japan. These organizationsRead MoreA Report on Japanese Culture Essay1086 Words  | 5 Pagesutensil. Subcultures: A facet that makes up the gem of the Japanese culture is called the Yakuza. The Yakuza are close to the organized criminal-underground of Europe and America called the Mafia. Both groups make their profits by numerous illegal activities. Drug trafficking, Gambling Rings, and extortion are just a few of the illicit affairs that are rules of trade for these groups. The Yakuza are also a part of the Japanese mythology. Within its secretive throng, the members are givenRead MoreThe Triad : Chinese Gangs868 Words  | 4 PagesBritain when the territory was still British owned in the 1970’s (Booth, 2000). In Japan, the yakuza have collaborated with multiple Triad groups to help smuggle immigrants, deal in credit card fraud, and forge passports. Because the Chinese Triads are historically known as very clever and ruthless, Triads operating from China are beginning to occupy and overthrow the yakuza, particularly in Tokyo. The yakuza allow the hostile take-over due to the belief that staying alive is the most important thing
Miss Lonelyhearts Essay Example For Students
Miss Lonelyhearts Essay A lot of these letters are serious issues, which by reading them, affects Miss Lonelinesss and quickly puts him into deep depression. Probable readers of this novel would believe that quitting his job wouldve eased his misery, but why did he decide to continue his job? Was he an take and believed that the people who were sending him mails were his true social affecter? What is the significance of his name? Was he a lonely character? Throughout the entire novel, he goes through many unusual events, events that can be symbolized to him being lonely. As a deader, we only know a little about the background of Miss Lonelinesss, We reckon that Miss Lonelinesss and Betty had some past intimacy. As of my interpretation, Betty is the only person who cares for Miss Lonelinesss in a sense of affection that can be shown from a compassionate person; Betty came to see Miss Lonelinesss the next day and every day thereafter. With her she brought soup and boiled chicken for him to eat (35). He has other affiliations with other woman in the story, but none often are considerably close to the compassionate figure of Betty. Miss Lonelinesss refers to Betty as Betty the Buddha because she is the only character who brings peace and order to Miss Lonelinesss chaotic life. There is something inside of Miss Lonelinesss that we cannot understand as a character. He is a character With very few friends and considerably a person with lack of class. Throughout the story we can see examples Of Miss Lonelinesss as a character Who has a personality that can be seen as abnormal or mentally unbalanced. In Miss Lonelinesss and the Lamb, Miss Lonelinesss has a dream of him and his friends attempting to sacrifice a iamb after a drunken college argument over the existence of God. In Miss Lonelinesss and the Clean Old Man, he and a colleague harass an old man in a public toilet, calling him homosexual and pervert, Eventually makes the old man cry, twisting his arm and hurting the poor man. The chapter Miss Lonelinesss and Shrike recounts his failed attempt to seduce the bosss wife. Miss Lonelinesss in the County details a trip to the countryside to Connecticut with his sometime fiance ©e, Betty, a trip that ends in a sexual encounter, which ends Better virginal status. In my opinion, these events are something that is considered sickening and psychotic. As a grown man, this is something unacceptable. In my opinion, these events have correlations to why his name is Miss Lonelinesss, He acts like an imbecile because he doesnt have devoted friends that he can talk to when he is depressed, or have the proper way of releasing his stress and depression other than getting drunk or hurting people, in both physically (towards the old man) or verbally (towards Betty). The way he handles these situations is very unprofessional. But the most fateful episode occurs when he receives a letter from a woman named Fay Doyle, who is unhappily married to a cripple and Whose letter intimates that she wants more than advice from Miss Lonelinesss. The sexually frustrated Miss Lonelinesss agrees to meet her for sex and, in the process, hears the rest Of her Story. Her husband had been an upstairs neighbor, and when she got pregnant with another man, the cripple neighbor married her and treated the child as his own. Some time later Miss Lonelinesss receives a letter from her husband, Peter Doyle, who complains of his dead. End job as a meter reader and invites Miss Lonelinesss to his apartment at his wifes behest. Miss Lonelinesss arrives at a brutal scene in which the wife humiliates her husband, then sends him out for gin while she tries to seduce Miss Lonelinesss. This attempt shakes Miss Lonelinesss out to his efforts to be Christ-like, and he brutally beats Mrs.. Doyle to fight off her aggressiveness. None of these events wouldve happened if Miss Lonelinesss was more professional. Even though he has a fiance ©e who cares about him a lot, his couldnt control his sexual frustrations, which ended up into this controversy. Is he that lonely that he had to sleep with someone who he barely knew? .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd , .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .postImageUrl , .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd , .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:hover , .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:visited , .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:active { border:0!important; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:active , .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5cd8bb458903229f54bb567534ac76dd:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rosa Parks EssayWhy not just stay faithful with Betty? Miss Lonelinesss is a character who tends to hide his feelings from the other characters. He doesnt really share is inner feelings and he goes through mental breakdowns after reading these letters from people. He defines himself as lonely, but truly he has what a man needs in his life, a woman to take care of him. Miss Lonelinesss does not let others inside of his true feelings. He cannot accept anyone or trust anyone, so even When Betty acts nice towards him, he gets frustrated and annoyed by her sense of peacefulness and tends to escape from her hospitality. He has Betty by his side, but he considers himself lonely because he is continuously getting annoyed by Shrike and receives letters from people who shares depression and sad stories with him, which drags him down into depression and sickness. In the end, we need to understand the heaviness of Miss Lonelinesss job. Not only does he have to give advice to people, but these people are all so serious in need for help from Miss Lonelinesss. It is no wonder why he takes his job seriously, even though his joss jokes around about his job. But by him not being able to discuss about this job is a serious problem. He is taking all the burden of this task by himself, not being able to discuss freely with other characters in the story, He is a character who needs attention for himself as well. That is why he acts the way he does throughout the short story, To other people, this character of Miss Lonelinesss can be seen as a person who has mental problems; beating up random old man, sleeping with people who he barely knows, and beating them without proper confrontation. (1206 words)
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of the individual Essay Example
The potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of the individual Essay In this audio recording I will be explaining the potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of the individual. I will be using the case study of Jonathan to do this. Genetic factors Genetic factors are factors that would be inherited by the child from the mother and father. There are a lot of different illnesses/ diseases that can be inherited from the parents such as; cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, asthma, brittle bone disease etc. These are passed to the child through their genes. If one of these illnesses is passed on to the child like brittle bone disease then this will affect the child in a negative way because they might not be able to do things properly when they are older, like sports and exercise. It would limit their opportunities and stop them from doing things that they would later want to do. Jonathan was born with a medical condition called Down’s syndrome; this condition will affect all areas of his development. Down’s syndrome is also known as trisomy 21, which is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 in a babys cells. Around 750 babies are born with the condition each year in the UK www. nhs. uk/conditions/downs syndrome/pages/introduction. aspx. Children with Down’s syndrome will have learning disability and delayed development, but this may be different with other children. Also they will have short arms and legs and low muscle tone, making it hard for them to learn to move. We will write a custom essay sample on The potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of the individual specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of the individual specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The potential effects of the five different life factors on the development of the individual specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Jonathan’s development in all areas will be delayed and he will find hard to learn certain things such as talking, reading, walking and sitting etc. He will take longer to learn to do these things than an average child. Some children with Down’s syndrome will have few health problems as a result of their condition. Possible health complications of Down’s syndrome might include heart disorders, bowel abnormalities, digestive problems, hearing and vision impairments, increase risk of infections etc. ww. nhs. uk/Conditions/Downs-syndrome/Pages/Complications. aspx Jonathan may have these health problems which he may need to get checked or get treatment for it in hospitals. Biological Factors Biological factors are things that are passed onto an individual through the blood stream or other means such as during pregnancy the mom can pass on substances through the placenta to the child in her womb. An example of this is when women during pregnancy ingest alcohol and crosses the placenta barrier. This can cause developing problems during fatal stages and can stunt fatal growth or weight, create distinctive facial stigmata, damage neurons and brain structures which in later life they will have problems with intellectual development within learning and understanding concepts and cause other physical, mental or behavioural problems later on in the individual life. Jonathan hasn’t got anything passed down to him when he was in her mum’s womb. But Jonathan was born with a medical condition called Down’s syndrome; he has also got heart conditions which he has to take medication often for. Having heart problems will mean he will get tired and become breathless which will mean he won’t be able to do certain activities in school such as football, basketball and running etc. because he would become tired and might start to cough a lot which is not good for his health. Not being able to do certain activities will mean he will feel left out and might feel his different from other children and this might affect his self-esteem and confidence because he might feel that his left out. Although he could do other activities that are not tiring like gymnastics, tennis and cricket etc. hich will make him feel that his part of the group and he won’t feel left out. Jonathan might also have thyroid problems, which is located in the neck and is responsible for controlling your metabolism (the rate at which your body uses up energy). The effects of thyroid that Jonathan could have are lack of energy which means he won’t be able to do certain things, gaining weight, slow physical and mental reactions, difficult breathing and difficult sleeping. http://www. nhs. uk/Conditions/Downs-syndrome/Pages/Complications. spx Environmental factors Environmental factors are things such as housing conditions, neighbourhoods, communities, pollution and access to that can affect an individual’s development. Jonathan has good housing as he lives in a wealthy area with his mum and sister. His father and mother divorced five years ago but his father pays large amount of maintenance for Jonathan’s care and helping the mother to pay for bills etc. so they don’t have to worry about Jonathon being cold or catching any illness because of his condition. It is important that he does have a good housing because it will help to improve his development. Jonathan comes from a wealthy family meaning he will have access to different types of health services and the family will be able to afford to take Jonathan to private doctors meaning he will be looked after properly and the medication he will get will be much better because he won’t be getting cheap medications because the family will be able to pay for expensive medication so just could get better quickly. The family have hired specialist nurses and portage workers to look after Jonathan. â€Å"Portage is a home-visiting educational service for preschool children who have additional support needs and their families. Portage services aim to work with your child’s developmental needs to develop their strengths, fulfil their potential and build their confidence. A portage service worker may assist with play activities, behaviour, communication, relationships and learning in your own home’’. http://www. nhs. uk/CarersDirect/guide/kinds/Pages/portage. aspx Jonathan would benefit from portage worker because they would support his development needs, learning new skills, build their confidence and helping him to fulfil his potential. They would also teach his mother how to support Jonathan’s in learning new skills and helping him to improve on his development. This would support all areas of Jonathan’s development because they would work on helping him to walk, talk and how to interact with other people and he knows how to do these things then they would look at things which he needs more help on and provide him with these skills. Jonathan’s parents might also hire speech therapists to help Jonathan with his speech, language and communication problems so he can communicate better with other people. Jonathan parents won’t have money issues as they earn a large income so they won’t have problems providing Jonathan with quality care. Socio-economic factors Socio-economic factors are social and economic activities that influence an individual’s development in life. These include things such as family and peer groups influences, housing and community influences, education, social class etc. Income and education will impact Jonathan, because Jonathan comes from a rich family he won’t have any problems with money because his father pays high amount of maintenance, this means the parents can afford to pay for private doctors who will monitor his health every time, portage workers who will help him develop new skills and also they may help the parents. Also they can get speech therapist for Jonathan if he needs it; they can also afford to buy special equipment and toys for Jonathan to use for example soft toys that are not dangerous i. e. toys that are broken or sharp. Having specialist equipment would help support Jonathan’s physical development and will protect him from injury. Jonathan’s parents are also able to afford to send Jonathan to a private school. Private schools are better than public schools because they offer better quality teachers and this would affect Jonathan intellectually and socially because private schools offer better qualified teachers and better facilities. Also private school have small class which will mean that the teacher can spend more time with every student, if Jonathan needs help with anything then the teacher will be there to help him. Also private schools are most likely to support children with special educational needs and they are aware of how to support children with different conditions. Going to private school will affect Jonathan positively because he will learn to interact with other children his age, make friends and he will discover what things that make him happy. This will affect his social and emotional development as he’s socialising with other children and his self-confidence and self-esteem will improve. Lifestyle Factors Lifestyle is the chosen way an individual chooses to lead there life which includes – chosen dietary and nutrition intake, amount of physical exercise individual chooses to undertake and substances abuse and how much an individual subjects there body to. Lifestyle factors that may affect Jonathan would include diet, nutrition and social interaction. Jonathan comes from a wealthy family; this means that he will have good diet because his parents will be buying healthy food such as fruits and vegetables which is good for you because it’s full of nutrition. This will affect Jonathan positively as he will be healthy and it will help him avoid further health complications such as high blood pressure etc. There are certain foods which Jonathan should avoid such as fast food, takeaways or microwave food that are not good for you because it can make you fat if its eaten a lot and when older you can get health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease and you might get heart attack and stroke . It is important that Jonathan stays away from unhealthy food. Jonathan takes part in activities through school, scouts and a performing arts group for children with special needs. Attending scouts will have a positive effect on Jonathan because he is interacting with other children, making friends and doing different activities such as cooking, sports activities and camping which will build his confidence and self-esteem and it will help him to know what he likes and dislikes. Participating in different activities will also help Jonathan develop intellectually as his learning new skills. This will broaden his knowledge and skills that he has. Attending scouts and performing arts will be a positive influence because he will stay active and he will be healthy, also it will have positive effect on Jonathan’s emotional development because when he participates in scouts, he is able to earn medal or badges and this will make him more confident and it will boost his self-esteem and have a better view upon himself which will make him happy.
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